Improving Orthodontic Clinics Response Time with Specialised Remote Dental Support

In today's world, specialisation and efficiency are critical components of success across all industries. This is particularly true in the field of orthodontics, where accurate and timely monitoring of patient treatments can have a significant impact on their overall orthodontic journey. At Allied Orbit, we take pride in empowering our clients with specialised support to enhance their business operations.

One example of this is our work in the field of dental monitoring. Through the contract of qualified dentist based in the Philippines, Orbit provides support to multi-site orthodontic clinics. We placed one of our remote dentists, Kay, with a busy well-established clinic group recently.

Why it Works so Well? 

An essential aspect of this collaboration is the training provided to Kay. During a month-long training program, she learned how to handle patient inquiries and assess clinical notifications across various monitoring systems. Kay quickly gained proficiency, and by the second month, she was working independently and providing prompt and accurate responses to over 90% of patient inquiries and clinical notifications. For more complex cases, Kay can escalate to the practice manager or in-clinic orthodontists for guidance.

As a qualified dentist, Kay has a strong foundation in orthodontic tooth movement, which allows her to provide feedback to patients' questions based on her knowledge. This, coupled with the support from the practice manager and other team members, ensures that patients receive fast, accurate, and reliable information from professionals.

Kay manages a high volume of inquiries daily, supporting three orthodontists and handling around 150-200 enquiries per day. This workload includes a mix of patient enquiries and clinical notifications, with patient enquiries accounting for about one-third of the total volume.

The benefits of Kay's work with our client are numerous. Kay provides customised replies to all messages. Her dental background and familiarity with orthodontic terminologies allow her to effectively manage dental-related inquiries and provide valuable insights into treatment progress and goals based on the orthodontists' notes. This results in timely and accurate responses to patients' enquiries, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction with the clinic's services.

At Orbit, we believe that collaboration is essential to success. While Kay's expertise and experience are invaluable in managing patient inquiries and clinical notifications, the support from the practice manager and other team members has greatly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the service provided. Our aim is to empower our clients with specialised support to enhance their business operations, and we will continue to work tirelessly towards achieving this goal.


Elevate Your Dental Practice with 24/7 Expert Live Chat Support


Streamline Your Dental Practice with Medical Offshoring