Frequently Asked Questions

Achieve superior patient outcomes, boost financial health, and enhance clinic efficiency.

  • Our process begins with understanding your specific needs, followed by proposing tailored solutions. Once approved, we handle recruitment, onboarding, and document your training, ensuring a seamless integration into your operations. For more details, visit our [process page]( 

  • The timeline for onboarding your remote team depends on roles, skills, and training needs. Typically, it takes about 3 to 6 weeks from proposal acceptance to integrate the right candidates, ensuring you're ready to go without delays.

  • We collaborate with you to create a tailored training module. Once complete, this module becomes the standard for onboarding future placements in the same role, ensuring consistent and efficient training across your remote team that we can help manage. 

  • We offer full-time, flexible remote staffing solutions with long-term sustainability. Our minimum requirement is 8 work hours per day, tailored to your needs, ensuring dedicated and quality support for your business. 

  • We provide flexible plans, including month-to-month and annual options at discounted rates. If you're not satisfied, we'll replace a team member at no extra cost, ensuring the right fit for your team.

  • With our 30-day subscription, you can easily increase work hours within 30 days or sooner if resources are available. To reduce hours, a 30-day notice is required. This flexibility helps you adapt to changing business needs efficiently.

  • With Allied Orbit, you'll never need to recruit and train for a role you allocate to us again. With our Staff Continuity Guarantee, we handle finding a replacement swiftly, avoiding service disruptions and the costs associated with employee turnover. 

  • Allied Orbit uses advanced tracking software to monitor activity including start and finish times of your offshore team, ensuring your team is working efficiently and with accountability. This system generates detailed reports with timestamps to identify where time is being spent. We issue daily email reports containing this information, providing full transparency on your remote team's activities and productivity. 

  • At Allied Orbit, we understand the importance of clear communication about team availability. You have both a local account manager and a support manager who will promptly notify you of any changes in your offshore team's schedule, including sick leave or time off requests. Where possible we will re-organise the team to ensure full cover. You will alway's be informed of your remote team's availability. 

  • We source top talent globally, currently focusing on the Philippines and New Zealand, known for high education standards and excellent work ethic. Our rigorous vetting process includes checks on system capabilities, criminal records, education, and references to ensure quality staffing. 

  • We have different payment structures for the various services we offer such as remote staffing, medical transcription, AI-human integrated live chat, and AI Integration Consulting. A tailored quote will cover pricing.

    For our remote staffing service, we charge a fixed monthly subscription covering contractor hours and management services. This not only includes your contractor hours but an HR Manager, Support Manager, end-user IT Manager, local Client Service manager, activity monitoring and reporting, and workstation maintenance.

    Invoices are issued one month in advance, ensuring smooth operations. Any unworked hours are credited in the next invoice for transparent billing. 

  • Our advance payment policy helps fulfil cancellation requirements and retains top contractors, saving clients significantly on recruitment costs. Timely payments ensure quality and continuity, allowing you to benefit fully from our services. 

  • The subscription fee is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the daily hours, multiplied by 52 weeks, then dividing this annual total by 12 months. This ensures transparent pricing. This a fixed monthly rate.

    Any unworked hours at the onus of the staff are credited back to you. There are no adjustments to the fixed monthly amount for any holidays or unworked hours at the direction of our clients. This ensures stability for all staff in your remote team including support managers etc.

  • Offshore contractors managed by our New Zealand-based company aren't subject to local employee tax laws. We pay our staff well above local expectations, attracting top talent and offering them the flexibility of home-based work. 

  • Data security is paramount at Allied Orbit. Our IT specialists conduct regular audits and training, implementing over 24 categories of security measures are. We comply with New Zealand, Australian, and international privacy laws, ensuring your data's safety. 

    If you would like to learn more about our measures, please contact us. We provide our clients with a copy of our data protection measures, policies, and workstation set-up and audits.

  • Allied Orbit are not an Agency or a BPO. We offer managed remote staffing solutions with high-quality, home-based professionals. We handle management, HR, security, payroll, and monitoring.

    This provides our clients confidence in the remote work business model and allows everyone to focus on what they do best.

  • There are a myriad of challenges and issues that we address for clients when working with a remote team. Some of these include:

    • Workers arriving late or disappearing from their shift or job entirely.

    • Concerns and confusion as to whether the remote team are working.

    • Inability to gain trust and commitment from workers.

    • IT-related issues including poor internet connections and equipment.

    • Communication cultural insensitivities.

    • Falsified documents and resumes provided during the recruitment process.

    • Power and weather issues of specific regions causing long periods of inability to work.

    The list goes on... and on…

    We make the process easy for our clients. Our experience reduces the issues faced and we have specialised human-tech tools and processes that keep remote workers accountable and fully monitored.

    We also have a highly trained support and recruitment team. All these steps are in place to help provide a successful remote workforce solution.

  • At Allied Orbit, we provide dedicated Australian local account managers for you and your offshore team. This ensures any issues or changes to your requirements can be discussed and actioned efficiently. We maintain frequent contact through email, phone, or in-person meetings—whichever suits you best. Our goal is to make your remote team feel like an extension of your local workforce, with the added benefit of our dedicated support. 

  • If a contractor isn't a fit for their role we replace them at no cost. This ensures you will always have the right talent for your needs without additional hassle or cost.