Case Studies

Learn how our clients are saving $100,000s per year with our remote workforce solutions.

Newcastle Cardiology Clinic

Annual Savings (not including recruitment)

Cost of 6 employees (approx.) - $530,000

Cost of 8 Contractors (approx.) - $210,000

Savings to Clinic (approx.) - $320,000

  • This multi-site cardiology practice was faced with a high level of staff turnover due to poor recruitment practices, poor onboarding processes, and low work performance of a number of employees. The clinic was also constantly under pressure from high levels of absenteeism. The owner engaged Allied Orbit to build and co-manage a remote workforce for the clinic with the objective to:

    • Reduce the burden of managing employees and high absenteeism rates.

    • Reduce employee liabilities and costs.

    • Create an affordable and scalable administrative team.

    • Handle any administration work that did not need to be completed on site.

    • Drive excellence through their current team.

    • Improving patient experience by increasing focused attention on those visiting the clinics.

  • Over a year, we established a remote team of 8 contractors to replace 6 employees and absorb work overload. The remote workforce now provides the majority of the back-end administration functions including, inbound call service/phone reception, bookings management, billings, digital document management (reports, inbound documents and emails), outbound digital management (letters via secure messaging/e-fax, data-streaming from external sources, lab data collation), and transcription.

  • The true cost of an employee at $35 per hour can be upwards of $80,000+ including all liabilities, benefits, office costs, work cover, staff amenities, excluding recruitment fees. We save the clinic upwards of $320,000 in employee related costs per annum.

    • Cost of 6 employees (approx.) - $530,000

    • Cost of 8 Contractors (approx.) - $210,000

      Savings to Clinic (approx.) - $320,000

    The additional benefit and savings to the clinic comes from the ability to downsize/dismiss the remote team because employment regulations do not apply to overseas contractors. There is also a large savings in items such as holiday pay, potential claims, redundancy costs etc.